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ATD/NADA Launches New Website



Jonathan Collegio

Jonathan Collegio

Senior Vice President, Public Affairs

One of ATD and NADA’s top priorities over the last two years has been redeveloping and redesigning a new flagship website for our members.

Those sites are now live and generating traffic like never before.

The new is designed to be every commercial truck dealer and dealership staffer’s one stop hub for news and information impacting our industry. It will be updated around the clock with news and content spanning dealership education, public policy, videos, blog posts and graphics focused exclusively on commercial truck retail. We will also be publishing trucking-related news from Bloomberg and Reuters.

In the past, trade association websites were a place where members might go once or twice a year to download a compliance document or pay their dues.

But over the past five years, leading trade association websites have transformed into vibrant information hubs. You may remember the Coronavirus Hub NADA and ATD launched in 2020, where we published original news and information for dealers related to COVID, and our site received a record number of visits.

Our vision is to have the new website be the homepage for every truck dealer principal and dealership staffer in America – a hub where everyone who works in commercial truck or auto retail can get all of the information they need to effectively run their dealerships or departments, or learn the best way to do their jobs.

Please join us in making the home page for every truck dealer and dealership employee in America.

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